Good looking gay men nude

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Nudes by Douglas of Detroitĭouglas Juleff is one of the few artists known mostly for his nude works – the ratio of pouched-to-nude shots from his studio is very small! John Corvello, Mr. He stayed in the male erotica business into the 70s and, I believe, the early 80s, publishing magazines and even producing films. Brian” came into his own during this cross-over phase, and some of his nudes are quite wonderful. Still, for all that, there was a “cross-over” period where the studios/photographers still tried to get good-looking guys and pose them in pleasing ways before they realized that any pic with a hard-on would do to make a buck. 1966-1968) and the posing straps fell away, the need to couch erotic male images in coy costumes and poses gave way to blatant, in your face exhibitionism. Once it became legal to publish a completely nude male figure (c.

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Andy Buck by Douglas of Detroitĭouglas Juleff is best known for taking nude studies of his models – at a time when a jail sentence was almost a certainty if (when) a photographer was found to possess such work in his studio – or was discovered through a postal “sting” operation. Photos of hot bodybuilder Kim Fox from a late-60s magazine, probably published about ten years or so after they were actually taken.

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Kim Fox by Bruce of Los Angeles – color photos.

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